We can finally show off our new concept

In summer 2022, after we had completed and extensively tested our first installation, we were faced with a groundbreaking decision. Yes, our concept worked, but something was missing, we weren’t satisfied.

Consequently, we decided to go back a few steps and revise the core of our concept, the connection between the adapter and the strip. This was effectively like starting from scratch. However, thanks to the experience gained from the old concept, we were able to make much faster progress.

Even during the development of the first concept, we kept talking about applying for a patent for our system. However, this meant absolute secrecy. We were no longer allowed to show our new concept to anyone without appropriate confidentiality.

In the summer of 2023, one year after the decision to change the concept, the new concept was ready and tested. It worked brilliantly and rewarded the effort of the new start! We were certain that this was the final concept!

We immediately set about applying for a patent with the support of the law firm Isler & Pedrazzini AG and finally filed a patent application for our system on July 27, 2023.

In addition to the unique adapter concept with its vertical displacement, the multi-part structure of the strip was also patented.